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I have a very unhealthy addictive personality. I am in no way saying that my personality is addictive to be around. No, I’m saying that I become addicted to things quickly and wholly.

Take my television watching habits for example. Thankfully, in high school I barely watched any television at all. When I went to college and though out my six months of chemo, I started watching Gilmore Girls.  I had to watch it every Tuesday night or I would have to DVR it and watch it at the soonest possible moment.  When Gilmore Girls ended, it became Grey’s Anatomy on Thursday nights followed by Private Practice when that became a spin off.  Since I’ve gotten married it has gotten even worse.  I’ve added The Bachelor, Dancing with the Stars, Castle, Gossip Girl, and those are only my Fall/Spring shows.  I have a whole separate list of summer shows.

Then there is my food habits.  I will eat one thing for months at a time.  Pre-pregnancy, I ate Arby’s beef and cheddar sandwich.  During pregnancy, Taco Bell- add nacho cheese.  (Yes, to anything I ate.)  Since the babies have been in the NICU it has been Chick-fil-A’s chicken salad sandwich.

There are some good things that this does for me.  I have gotten incredible grades throughout high school and college. Why?  Because I am addicted to school.  I love it.  I love to learn new things.  I would go to school for millions of different things if I could.  Right now, the top of the list are cosmotology school, nail tech school, massage therapy school, cooking school and getting my MBA.

Yet, today was my last first day of school.  I can’t wait to be a ‘real mom,’ but what does that do to my addictions?  I foresee a lot of anxiety filled days learning what parts of motherhood will addict me.